Bulgarian exports to non-EU countries rises with 23% on February.
In January, Bulgaria’s EU export rate declined 2.2% from the same month in 2018.
During the period of January – February 2019 the export of goods from Bulgaria to the non-EU countries increased with 15% in comparison with the same time last year – 2874.5 million Leva (data from the National Statistics Institute).
Estimated domestic problems in our country, such as Turkey, China, USA, Serbia, Egypt and the Russian Federation, account for 51.3% of the total for the countries concerned.
The value of the money from Bulgaria for the past three months has increased by 23% compared to the same month of the previous year and in the amount of BGN 1 480.3 million.
Exports of Bulgaria rose from 12.3% y / y in 2018 to EUR 3,909.9 as compared to the same period last year. The largest is the hundred-fold volume of the contributions made by the Russian Federation, Turkey, China, and Spain.
Over February, the situation in Bulgaria increased from 15.9% to the same month as in the previous year and in the amount of BGN 1 915.6 million.
The foreign trade balance of Bulgaria, with several countries over the period January – February 2019, is negative and is in the range of BGN 1,035.4 million.
Bulgaria’s trade with various countries and the EC – general
For the first two months of Bulgaria, the total value of the outstanding value was BGN 9 202.0 million, which is by 10.9% more than the same period of the previous year. Through February, the total increase amounted to BGN 4 643.2 million and increased by 18.9% compared to the same month of 2018.
During the January – February period, prices in the country totaled BGN 10 129.6 million, or 5.2% more than in the same period in 2018. By February alone, the total overnight value was 12.6% compared to the same month as the previous year and amounted to 5 144.7 million BGN.
The total external balance for the period January-February 2019 is negative and is at the value of BGN 927.6 million.
Bulgaria – EU trade over January
As of January, Bulgaria’s GDP for the EU rose by 2.2% compared to the same month in 2018 and fell by BGN 3 164.6 million. Estimates of Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Pymania, Greece, France and the Netherlands, with a share of 66.4% from the EU member states, show preliminary estimates.
The Bulgarian EU night-to-month decrease by 7.4% compared to the same month as the previous year and reached BGN 2 990.6 million. The largest is the hundredth volume of contributions made by Gepmania, Italy, Pyongyang, Gapija and Ungapia.
The foreign trade balance of Bulgaria with the EU during January 2019 is valid and amounts to BGN 174 million. The FOV / FOV prices (after elimination of pawns and dips on nights) are still valid and are in the range of 356.9 million.
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